Compression therapy using the Normatec is an effective means of increasing blood flow activity in the lower limbs through strengthening vein support. The slow compressions stretch the vein walls, improving circulation and reducing swelling. While traditional uses of compression therapy treated leg injuries and blood clots, provided healing post-surgery and as a preventive measure during long periods of immobility, modern users love it for pain relief after a big workout or weekend warrior refresher. We offer Normatec compression therapy for either legs or hips.

We also offer Ice Compression with the Squid system. The gentle compression combined with an ice pack shaped to fit every major joint in the body offers the best of both worlds – compression and ice - for superior reduction of inflammation. We offer the Squid for shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.

Compression therapy of either kind is not limited to treatment after injuries, but can also be used as a a post-performance recovery therapy as well.


We currently offer two types of Compression Therapy:

Normatec Pulse PRO

Legs or Single Hip

Squid Compression (Cold and Pulsed Compression)

Shoulder, Thigh, Knee, Elbow, Ankle, or Wrist